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April 2021

Summer learning at Open Talmud Project

Azara in the JC

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There have been not one, but two pieces in the Jewish Chronicle about our launch! “The UK’s first cross-communal yeshivah has been launched in London to extend the reach of advanced Jewish study. Azara, which takes its name from the Temple courtyard where Jews would gather in ancient times, hopes to open text learning to all, regardless of denomination, background or gender. As well as running classes through the year, it is planning an intensive month-long residential programme in Edinburgh… Read More »Azara in the JC

Scotsman showcases Azara’s Edinburgh yeshiva plans

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The Scotsman today featured Azara’s launch, and our plans to run a yeshiva summer programme in Scotland. “Jewish learning is to return to Scotland following the first ever cross-communal Jewish group launch from Azara, a new hub for education in the UK. Being the first ever organisation to offer deep inclusive Jewish text learning in Scotland, Azara will begin with a month-long summer programme in Edinburgh next year. The group aims to work…” Read the full article here.